I came across a dope but thought provoking short animated film called In-Shadow. It’s a visual masterpiece reminiscent of the internet red-pill short film animation classic, I Pet Goat 2. Written, Directed & Produced by Lubomir Arsov, In-Shadow depicts the dark truths starting to unravel before over very eyes today from our obsessions with social media, news, celebrity to what looks like humanity spiraling out of control or as Arsov puts it:
“Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented unconscious of the west, and with courage face the Shadow. From Shadow into Light. “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” -C.G. Jung”
Sometimes… I stop and think… is the road we are heading down really worth it? Peep the video below.
Bonus: Lubomir printed stills from the animation and they are available for purchase here. Check out some of my faves below.
This New York City native breathes the concrete jungle. From be a stylist and clothing designer who’s pieces has graced the silhouettes of fashionistas and socialites alike, to running the streets to get the next story, Bim Star has made his name synonymous as the catalyst of the “urban-sophisticate” style in this new global world and has since strengthened his thumbprint in the industry.
Always in the know, and the go-to man for all things ala mode, we are happy to have Bim Star aboard this blazing ship as our CEO and webmaster.