Quiet Lunch publishes art and entertainment articles. Poetry, micro fiction, short story, essay and other literary works through out the year. We print twice per year.
We feature creative writing and art work in each of our issues and work submitted may be published through each of our platforms or one. We encourage simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if your work is picked up elsewhere.
Contributors receive three copies of the issue in which they appear. Online contributors receive web publication.
For non-creative article pitches email us at info@quietlunch.com
Visual Art.
Illustration, Photography, Sculpture, Film, Painting, etc. We accept it all!
Got something to say about what's happening in the world? Politics, art, love, economics? You can use our platform! Submit your Op-Ed and we'll review it!
Got a story to tell? Please submit one to three short pieces (two pages or less) or one long piece (four pages or more).
Please submit 3-6 original poems on separate pages. We occasionally reprint work. Please note if the work has been previously published.