Work Hard, Sleep Hard: Making your Bedroom Work for Work

In The Menu, Visual Arts by Stephanie SilverLeave a Comment

Recently, while drawing on my own experience living in one of these pricey shoeboxes NYC calls an apartment, I wrote an article on how to make a miniature bedroom a livable space. Well, I practice what I preach; I now have a very livable, cozy spot for rest and relaxation.

However, what I didn’t prepare for were the parts of my life that don’t involve sleep and that I need to pack into my tiny space. In other words, where the f*ck do I get any work done? Chances are if you’re looking into ways to make a closet sized bedroom even remotely work, the rest of your apartment isn’t going to be a mansion… unless you’re Cinderella or Harry Potter and in that case, call the authorities because that shit ‘aint cool. Chances are also high that you have a roommate who doesn’t care when you’re trying to work and will talk to you incessantly about Hinge. But before I go on a rant, here’s what you can do to make your sleep space double as a work space.

Chalk it Up

I just painted a chalk wall in my bf’s bedroom (yes, “I” did- don’t believe them when they say you’ll do it together) and while it look dope a.f., it’s also extremely useful for him. As a writer, I have 75,000 notebooks and 75,000 iPhone notes detailing all the ideas that I’ll immediately forget about writing and never look at again. But- how can you forget something that right in front of your face every time you walk into your bedroom? In my bf’s case, he drew a calendar that details his appointments and meditation days-in-a-row alongside his reminders, ideas, and to-dos. And if you’re in the design field, let’s never forget how cool Joseph Gordon Levitt’s chalk wall was in 500 Days of Summer.

Closet Workaholic

Got a big closet but not a big wardrobe? I wish that was my case because a new trend on the scene is repurposing closets into other spaces; mediation rooms, indoor gardens, and offices. Install a shelf, push a chair in and voila- office. I mean you’ll feel like a weirdo doing your work in a closet but if you’re like me, that feeling is always there.

Put your Walls Up

I learned a while back that you shouldn’t do anything in your bed besides sleep… and dirty stuff obviously… Your brain needs to be trained so that when you see your sleeping space, it’s been programmed to know exactly what it’s for. So, separating your work space from your sleep space is important but if you don’t have the freak-closet-office, define your spaces with a room divider of even a funky beaded curtain.

Now that you have the tools to make a work space in your bedroom, get a lot of shit done in it, make a lot of money and buy a big ass place where you won’t have to deal with any of this.





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