Milanese photographer, Filippo Minelli, is somewhat of a mystic–an artist who manipulates the definition of foundation. Taken in various areas of Europe, Minelli’s Silence/Shape series is a brilliant conceptualization of decontextualization. In simpler terms, is an exhibition of juxtaposition; a translation of audio through visual silence. Minelli offers his own words in an interview with Hugo Create:
“I’ve been working for years on the use of language and painting words on walls, then I realized I had never focused on silence. Language is only complete when words are mixed with silence. I was watching some videos of political demonstrations without audio, and my eye was caught by the fact that the most aesthetically relevant thing joining the people and the messages was the movement of smoke in the air. So I decided to experiment with using smoke in plain nature. I wanted to juxtapose the beauty of a medium traditionally devoted to create chaos with the romantic beauty of landscapes. They complete each other in a perfect way confirming that beauty is found in clashing visions.”
– Filippo Minelli.

Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.