May’s theme is about celebration itself. As we’ve hit the almost halfway mark for 2012, we want to take this time to bask in the progress we have all made: editors, staff, fans, readers, friends of readers, non-readers, soon to be readers, haters, and everyone in between.
Quiet Lunch Magazine hits the Terrible Twos this month and what better way to whup it up than with some good old fashioned debauchery–of the literary kind, of course. So we decided to just let the new site be the point of celebration and do what we do best: whatever the hell we want.
May also sees the arrival of a new staff member, Carly Sioux, and the ushering in and complete makeover of Quiet Lunch as whole.
So raise a glass of orange juice–or a beer, if you’re fancy–as this theme begins a brand new chapter in our brief history as an online publication, and we all have all the reasons to celebrate.
Mazel tov!
Yippy kai-yey, Motherfuckers!
Unflinchingly Yours,
The Quiet Lunch Staff.
Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.