Welcome to I’ll Tumblr for Ya! When we’re not out and about flashing our genitals and giving babies the finger, we can usually be found perusing Tumblr. So, in an effort to highlight all that is Tumblrrific, we decided to showcase a chosen Tumblr page every week. I’ll Tumblr for Ya will include pictures, a few facts about the about the page/owner and some keywords that define exactly what the page is about.
1. Ron Davis (artist name: upfromsumdirt)
2. 45 years old
3. Co-owner of Wild Fig Books + Coffee; visual artist; graphic designer; hack poet.
4. “My tumblr is a personal endeavor that’s crafted for public consumption, if that makes sense. So, it’s a personal mood board that i want others to gain something from; basically, I’m an afrophile and my goal is to reveal black art, photography, and lifestyle through the same romanticized lens that europe and america cultures view themselves. So you’ll see african medicine-men between art by picasso and some supermodel dressed as a samurai. my tumblr is political, but in a visually artistic way.”
Art/Africana/Pop Culture
Visit Here: upfromsumdirt