Cornerstones of Existence.

In The Menu, Visual Arts by Akeem K. Duncan.Leave a Comment

Gemma Danielle Bayly‘s ongoing free project, Reiki Stones, is based on the concept of transcendence and self actualization. Possessing a ritualistic allure and a spiritual purpose, Reiki Stones are hand-painted stones charged with Reiki energy.

Reiki, a combination of the Japanese words Rei (God’s Wisdow or the Higher Power) and Ki (Life Force Energy), is a healing technique that involves a metaphysical approach to curing ones mental and physical ills.

Bayly, who just happens to be a certified Usui Reiki practitioner, has taken it upon herself to create functional art that also takes the form of a holistic remedy. It is kind a gesture that any art enthusiast can appreciate and admire.

“I hide the stones in the nooks of the cities, as beacons of light for people to stumble upon. I have seen real miracles happen with these stones and people have told me they are very powerful.”

– Gemma Danielle Bayly.

Courtesy of Optimystic Arts.

Courtesy of Optimystic Arts.

Courtesy of Optimystic Arts.

Courtesy of Optimystic Arts.

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