Floating in the Hudson.

In The Menu by Quiet LunchLeave a Comment

Raquel in Brooklyn. (Photo Courtesy Hadley Hudson.)

Currently based in both New York and Germany, Hadley Hudson‘s work is classic with a modern sense of humor. Hudson takes a straight forward approach while still maintaining an air of endearment.

Anja for Neon. (Photo Courtesy of Hadley Hudson.)

Untitled. (Photo Courtesy of Hadley Hudson.)

Fritz in Berlin. (Photo Courtesy of Hadley Hudson.)

It’s almost as if she let’s the photo take itself. She flaunts her versatility but you can tell that her true home is located at the corner of Humdrum Shenanigans and Organized Confusion. Still Hudson keeps her cool, making sure that you never once doubt her ability to clean up her act and tame her inner hooligan.

She can give you poetry or she can give you paparazzi; her ability to explore her own artistic landscape is far greater than you can ever imagine.

Eric D. Clark for Liebling. (Photo Courtesy of Hadley Hudson.)

Robyn. (Photo Courtesy of Hadley Hudson.)


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