Jack White recently dropped a new video for his single “Sixteen Saltines” and it kind of fucks you in the face; vigorously.
Directed by AG Rojas, who also directed Spiritualized’s “Hey, Jane” and Odd Future’s Earl Sweatshirt’s “EARL“, the video is shot in White’s home town of Springfield (Nashville) and depicts him stranded in a Lord of the Flies themed wasteland. Rojas had this to say to MTV News about video and its process:
“Basically, I was working off the energy of the track, and I just wanted to create all these little vignettes about youth… The kids are the only people left on earth and Jack is the last adult, and so because of that, he becomes their enemy. And I wanted to explore the rest of that world, and see what the kids get up to. They just kind of go wild.
“Everyone’s local … a lot of them, we just found them through street casting… There’s one scene with this kid who just had this certain weird charisma, and I asked the production designer to give me some weapons and we went through a warehouse, which was incredibly dangerous, so many holes and nails everywhere. I just told him what to do, and he was just, like, super-stoked to just smash sh–. We like to keep it pretty loose on set, just let everyone have fun.”
Held captive by destructive preteens and wayward adolescents, White is apparently burned alive by the video’s end. The video has garnered a considerable amount of controversy but, then again, you can’t expect people see the artistic quality in kids smashing junk and chugging cold medicine for kicks.
Watch the video and tell us you think:
“Sixteen Saltines” by Jack White.↓

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