Tobias Revell makes our brains hurt. Let’s put it like this, you know how Onion News can seem like the real news to a person who is watching it for the first time? Well, that is what we went through with Revell’s project, New Mumbai. At first we said, “Wait, is this shit real?” Then, as we delved deeper into the work, we immediately realized that we’ve been had — not that that was Revell’s intention. It’s just that his commitment to the comment is so unreal that it bends the concept of reality itself.
“During the Indian Civil War, the Dharavi slums of Mumbai were flooded with refugees looking to escape the conflict. The Mumbai authorities, distracted by defence of the city and facing an already over-populated and poverty stricken slum could do little to maintain a semblance of civilised life in the area. Sometime later a cache of biological samples appeared through the criminal networks of Mumbai, in the vain hope that it might provide new marketable narcotic opportunities. The collective drive and expertise of the refugees managed to turn theses genetically-engineered fungal samples into a new type of infrastructure Ð providing heat, light and building material for the refugees. Dharavi rapidly evolved it’s own micro-economy based around the mushrooms. This documentary tells the story of some of the characters involved from Mumbai and the rest of the world and how Dharavi came to be such a unique place.”

Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.