You should give this track by the multi-disciplinary artist from the Bronx a listen. Chazmere recently released his latest EP, •FELT•, and Summer•Velvet truly embodies the vibes Chaz hopes we fall into or as he states:
More than ever, what we see is distorted, filtered, manipulated. Ads everywhere. Infinite Scrolls, endless instant updates. Exploiting our attention. Breaking our focus. Taking our energy. •FELT• is an Aural Calm in this Visual Storm we endure. This a safe space for my Gs. A safe space to growth. To focus. To heal. To shine! I wrote & produced these songs as a selfless endeavor to help us along.– Chazmere

This New York City native breathes the concrete jungle. From be a stylist and clothing designer who’s pieces has graced the silhouettes of fashionistas and socialites alike, to running the streets to get the next story, Bim Star has made his name synonymous as the catalyst of the “urban-sophisticate” style in this new global world and has since strengthened his thumbprint in the industry.
Always in the know, and the go-to man for all things ala mode, we are happy to have Bim Star aboard this blazing ship as our CEO and webmaster.