Agency. Taste. Something to entertain.
These are just some of the concepts embedded in A(Muse)D-Bouche, a jointly curated exhibit of small works in which the idea of muse is turned on its head: the muse in A(Muse)D-Bouche becomes the artist, reflecting back on the vision that shaped her/him in a format most easily digestible.
Born from the vision of Magazine Founder, Curator and Poet Akeem K. Duncan (Quiet Lunch) and Curator and Critic, Audra Verona Lambert (ANTE) – and Juried by the inimitable Stephanie Satara (Persaud) (IG: @StephanieSatara) – A(Muse)D Bouche welcomes artworks sized up to 40″ in height/width that respond to the idea of being a muse, amusing, tasting, taking a bite, or other themes in an artist’s studio practice that reflect on the joint themes captured by the exhibit’s title. Creative takes on the theme are welcome, and all mediums are accepted. Works accepted will be featured in an exhibition to be realized in a New York City location in Spring/Summer 2024, accompanied by digital catalog.

1-2 Grand Prize winners will not only exhibit in the show, but also feature in dedicated interviews via social media and online publishing platforms with Quiet Lunch and ANTE.
Fee for entry is $20 for up to 3 artworks, with a brand NEW deadline of Friday, September 8th 2023 at 11:59 PM Eastern.
WINNERS ANNOUNCED THIRD WEEK SEPTEMBER 2023 – Artists to keep 70% of sales price of artwork included in the exhibition.
Open call submission fee of $20 for A(Muse)D Bouche is payable via Venmo to @dwelletogether
Past projects/Curatorial and Editorial Vision can be found at: || ANTE (Antecedent Projects)

Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.