Paper Faces by Héctor Sos is an amusing series of portraits that feature some pretty awkward arraignments. Done for the folks over at Torras Paper Creator, Sos photographs seemingly unaffected individuals adorned in eye-grabbing paper pieces.
“Paper Faces was created with the intention of linking the use of CreatorVol role, a role for the publishing industry as natural, vivid and close, hence the relationship and metaphor that between paper and face. From this idea and the need to show the qualities of the paper in a four-color printing process is a series of distinctive structures made with paper covering the face of the different models.
Paper and color are the elements that give strength to the project as if it were a performative act, articulates a photo shoot where the attitude is sought by the model is similar to a traditional portrait session, with turns looking bust to the camera, classic profiles and three quarters, looking for a distinctly urban aesthetic, youthful and contemporary. Through a natural light, no dramatic effects, the clarity of light unifies different images creating a clean atmosphere and giving the different models of an air of naturalness.”

Courtesy of Héctor Sos.

Courtesy of Héctor Sos.

Courtesy of Héctor Sos.

Courtesy of Héctor Sos.

Courtesy of Héctor Sos.

Courtesy of Héctor Sos.

Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.