It’s not often that we get to see élite producer Mike Dean in his element. We nod our heads to the records he has produced but it is a rare occasion to actually witness him create the signature sound. Dean is something like an invisible hand, embedding his musical aesthetic without ever quite being seen. A master keyboardist, Dean spent 48 hours at the Moog Factory and the following visuals documents what he came up with.
Dean employed a 6x Mother-32 synthesizers and a Voyager XL to bring us Grande Faucon, an impromptu masterpiece. The vivid cover art is titled “Laith” and was created by collagist Louise Donegan whose solo exhibition debuts at Salomon Contemporary Gallery on May 19th.

Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.