The beauty of a complete mess isn’t an easy thing to convey, but artist, Lisa Scrimgeour, does so effortlessly. Scrimgeour’s portraits of gook covered faces are really portraits of subdued chaos. The work is almost too good to be something that Scrimgeour just thought up. We believe that she painted these pieces to the tune of actual photos–and if she did, we could only imagine how mind-blowing those photographs may be.

Courtesy of Lisa Scrimgeour.

Courtesy of Lisa Scrimgeour.

Courtesy of Lisa Scrimgeour.

Courtesy of Lisa Scrimgeour.

Courtesy of Lisa Scrimgeour.

Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.