It’s something we all wished we had the power to do. Heck, there was even a prototype on the TV show, Big Bang Theory — which we only watched that particular episode because Steve Wozniak made an appearance but that’s besides the point. Can you imagine if you could be at the office without being at the office? No need to image any longer…
↓ Double: Wheels for your iPad ↓.
It’s like a Segway for your iPad!
What could you use this for you ask?
• Offices with multiple locations use Double to communicate with remote teams. Remote workers feel more connected with their colleagues and have more independence around the office.
• School campuses place a Double in each building, enabling potential students to walk the halls and talk to professors. College recruiters use Double to attract new students to their school by offering tours when travel is not possible.
• Retail stores use Double as a mobile kiosk, giving customers more information about the products. Brands offer personal sales representatives and support from remote specialists in a central location.
• Manufacturing facilities offer Double as a service to clients and partners to improve communication and streamline production.
• Families use Double to stay more in touch with relatives across the country.
• Museums and galleries can offer remote tours on Double, so patrons can experience world-renown exhibits from anywhere in the world.
→ Place your Pre-Order Here to be in 2 places at the same damn time. ←
Written by Bim Star.↓

This New York City native breathes the concrete jungle. From be a stylist and clothing designer who’s pieces has graced the silhouettes of fashionistas and socialites alike, to running the streets to get the next story, Bim Star has made his name synonymous as the catalyst of the “urban-sophisticate” style in this new global world and has since strengthened his thumbprint in the industry.
Always in the know, and the go-to man for all things ala mode, we are happy to have Bim Star aboard this blazing ship as our CEO and webmaster.