Artist Chyrum Lambert is an abstract painter who manipulates dying techniques and paper sculptures. Lambert’s work is primal but not without its grace. The series Beaubeauty Tips features a brilliant usage of color by Lambert, who then frames these hues in geometric and/or irregular shapes.

Turquoise, 2013. | Chyrum Lambert.

Principles Of Balance And An Attempt At Displaying These Things Visually, 2013. | Chyrum Lambert.

Black, 2013. | Chyrum Lambert.

Looked Just Like A Vampire Bat, 2013. | Chyrum Lambert.

Insensatez, 2013. | Chyrum Lambert.

Man-Killer, 2013. | Chyrum Lambert.

Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.