RGB is a themed series of pieces by Carnovsky, a duo consisting of Milanese artists Francesco Rugi and Silvia Quintanilla. In their own words, RGB is about “the surface’s deepness”.
The images are layered, with each layer depicting a tapestry of the natural world in a different primary color: one in red, one in blue and one in green. Those layers are then superimposed on each other to produce a luminous, hallucinatory visual smorgasbord.
When viewed in primary-colored lighting, different layers of the images come into focus. In one painting, green light reveals a lively scene of herbivores, omnivores and gentler carnivores, like an elephant, a monkey, a fox and a rabbit. When the light is turned bloody red, the painting turns into a chilling array of meat eaters flashing teeth and spikes, with piranhas, snakes and birds of prey coiling viciously against an uncompromising, sanguine backdrop.