Rise of a Realist Painter. | Works by Agnieszka Zak-Bielowa.

In The Menu, Visual Arts by Audra Lambert

Assiduously painted patterns decorate scarves hearkening to vibrant symbols of identity. Colors and intricate detail permeate the paintings of fabric in motion. These incredible realist paintings are by Agnieszka Żak-Bielowa, the renowned Polish artist whose distinct painting style has earned her accolades throughout Europe. Incorporating realist and pop stylings, Żak-Bielowa will be showing in NYC during a rare exhibit period outside of Europe this week during Frieze Week 2017.

From May 1 – 7, the artist’s works will be at Emmanuel Fremin gallery in the exhibit “Scar.f in the Wind”, subsequently showing from May 8 – 15 at The Hollows. On May 4th the artist will be present at an opening event at Emmanuel Fremin and available to discuss her work. Curated by Sylwia Kolowiecka and presented support from the Polish Culture Institute in New York, this exhibit of new works expresses Żak-Bielowa’s exquisite range as an artist: subtle and vivid, the works seemingly leap off the canvas at the viewer. Engaging, with a nuanced nod to the vibrancy embedded within the modest shawl, Żak-Bielowa’s earnest realist masterpieces stand a world apart.