Much like the character, Jack Merridew, in the classic book, Lord of the Flies, humans being escape rather easily once they are wearing a mask or some facial covering of some kind. Artist, Jozef Mrva, plays with that very concept in his ongoing series of mask made from cardboard. Mrva plans to expand the project with a stage performance, musical performance and/or an art video.
“I consider these masks as an experiments with identity, especially in the ritualistic way. The bearer is intended to accept his new archetypical identity and immerse oneself in his role. Animal masks resemble rather skulls or remains or abominations, they bear shamanic, Dionysian or satanic symbolism, the form, material and overall execution is primitive, harsh and expressionistic. They are made to inspire the inner forces of man and allow behavioral self-expression through identity alternation (alcohol or drug use advised).”
– Jozef Mrva.

Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.