Since February is Black History month, we decided to take a more a serious tone for this issue. Given the history African Americans have in this country, one of the more popular subjects during this time of the year is The Civil Rights Movement. In an effort to stay in step with ideology of those before us, Quiet Lunch gathered a panel and set forth on our mission to have an honest conversation about where we are as a society. In this issue of Quiet Lunch, entitled “The Civil Issues:…”, we have provided a four episode installation covering four -isms: Materialism, Sexism, Racism, and Classism.
While we have taken a more serious tone in this issue, we have not forgotten about the arts. Our Editor in Chief sits down with rapper, Anthony Cruz. Editor at Large, Matia Guardabascio, has coffee with the über talented, Native Bells. Michael Del Priore visits Andy Warhol at the Met, and artist, Gesso, debuts his latest work in the Lower East Side.
Last but not least, Dee & Ricky hold their very first art show at Rox NYC!
Unflinchingly Yours,
Quiet Lunch Staff.
Stay Tuned!

Quiet Lunch is a grassroot online publication that seeks to promote various aspects of life and culture with a loving, but brute, educational tinge. When we say, “Creative Sustenance Daily,” we mean it.